The years before Maldoror was founded (in 1987) I often visited London (UK) to meet and interview artists I admired. During this period I became close friends with music group Coil; Geff Rushton and Peter Christopherson introduced me to Hakim Bey's pamphlet "CHAOS, The Broadsheets of Ontological Anarchism". After 1987 I had a period of visiting Vienna, through Kadmon. He introduced me to Hermann Nitsch and many other Austrian artists, among them Franz Pomassl. I asked Franz if he wanted to illustrate a Dutch translation of "CHAOS", and he agreed. Unfortunately, our translation never got published. Independent publisher Ravijn did that some time later. Franz' website is here.
1. Chaos (never died)
2. Poetic Terrorism
3. Amour Fou
4. Wild Children
5. Paganism
6. Art Sabotage
7. The Assassins
8. Pyrotechnics
9. Chaos Myths
10. Pornography
11. Crime
12. Sorcery
13. Advertisement