25 Years Stichting Maldoror (Exhibition II)

Friday, March 8 2013
18.00 pm
at Vrije Academie/Gemak
Paviljoensgracht 20 - 24
2512 BP The Hague
The Netherlands

Charlie (Chan's records) and Raoul (SD records)
spinning their own vinyl releases.

Exhibition Duration:
March 8 - 23 (prolonged to 28)
Open Wednesday - Friday 10 - 17 H.
Saturday 13 - 17 H.

Yuni Bening - "Menunggu hujan"

I Wayan Gede Budayana

Ilham J Baday

Bambu Wukir - "Ambience Experiment"

Andre Triadiputra - "Folded Moment"

Iqi Qoror

Budi "Bodhonk" Prakoso - "I hate my head"

Arya Pandjalu

Mufi Mubaroch - "Looking for Martini"

Syalabi Asya

Joko Gundul Sulistiono

Alie Gopal

Titus Garu

Malaikat - "Two Moustache Men"

Rennie Emonk - "Never mind who's the Boy(s), here's the Loroblonyo"

Lelyana Kurniawati - "Mountain Sickness"

Vita Rajut

Cahyo Basuki Yopi - "Confess"

Fuad Danar S. - "Not good"

Bayu Widodo - "Skull series #8"

Syarief Hidayat - "Menjaga Tradisi"

Sara Nuytemans - "What is it I project into the streets"

Indra Ameng & Keke Tumbuan (The Secret Agents) - from "Diary of The Secret Places"

Teguh Hartanto & Wimbo Praharso - "Badut & Pak Polisi"

Prilla Tania - "Memanen Matahari"

Photographs by Sarina Missot.

Wood construction and design by Yair Callender.